Инструктор: Зоя Головня
The instructor course is created for freedivers with a high level of freediving ability and experience who are ready to take it to the next step and become a professional.
The instructor course is created for freedivers with a high level of freediving ability and experience who are ready to take it to the next step and become a professional. During this course, you have to perform a lot of performance requirements as well as academic requirements.
A Wave 2 (3) Instructor is qualified for the following activities
A successful candidate needs to pass every skill and exam. You have two trials per skill or exam - if you fail the first time you can re-do the skill or exam within the running course. If you fail no more than two skills or exams twice, you can re-do this certain skill or exam with another Instructor Trainer within one year to finish your Instructor Course. If you fail more than two skills or exams twice, you will have to re-do the Instructor Course.
As a successful candidate you will have to pass the W2I Entry Exam at a 90% success rate.
As a successful candidate you have to pass the W2I Final Exam at a 75% success rate. The link to this final IC-exam will be provided during your IC.
As a successful candidate you have to pass the Online (Remote) Teaching Exam. The link to this exam will be provided during your IC.
Your Instructor Trainer will discuss every wrong answer with you if there is any uncertainty about the correct answer. If you fail the exam in the first sitting, you can resit the exam after the discussion with your IT.
Apart from passing the W2I exams, you need to teach and/or demonstrate Wave 1/2 or Lap 1/2 skills to a Molchanovs IT. You will need to introduce to / guide the skill as if you were doing so with a student, demonstrating proficiency in application of the FEDOF system: Framing, Explaining, Demonstrating, Organising, Feedback. The FEDOF teaching system will be introduced and exercised during the IC.
Your skill teaching duration should be adapted to the content and demonstrate your proficiency in sticking to the essentials of each skill.
Note 1: For the classroom assessment you need to demonstrate proficiency in guiding 1 Knowledge Review and 1 Classroom Presentation each. It is up to you IT to decide which topic and on which level you will cover.
Note 2: For any skill teaching assessments you only have to cover skills from the L/ W1 and L/W2 curriculum. Skills from the L/W3 curriculum are covered in the W3I-Upgrade course.
Wave 2 Instructor
To be apply to be a Molchanovs Wave 2 Instructor, you will be required to complete a Molchanovs Wave 3 course and be of an appropriate character. For crossovers to Molchanovs Freediving Education, an equivalent Instructor certificate is required.
The physical requirements to pass the Wave 2 Instructor course/crossover is as follows:
* Cold water, under 15ºC
**While weighted for neutral buoyancy at 10m, perform vertical finning for 60s with elbows above the surface, followed by a 20m CWT/CWTB dive.
Wave 3 Instructor
To apply to be a Molchanovs Wave 3 Instructor, you will need:
Please note that these are minimum performance requirements and the expectation is that candidates should be able to meet those standards reasonably comfortably and with good form.
Zoya Golovnya, Molchanovs Wave Instructor Trainer (W3IT)
Сама себе до сих пор завидую, что посчастливилось выбрать и пройти курс под руководством такого чуткого профессионала! С твоей помощью познакомиться и подружиться с глубиной! Глубинный фридайвинг - это другая планета и она крышесносна!!! Буду дальше исследовать себя, тренироваться, заниматься продувкой и расширять границы своих возможностей! И планировать выезды на глубину!
Спасибо за уделенное время и возможность прикоснуться к миру подводных погружений!
Все было организованно очень профессионально. Курс позволил нам глубже понять теорию и освоить практику фридайвинга.
Нам с Катей очень понравилось. Зоя и Всеволод отличная команда, попеременная тренировка у разных тренеров очень эффективна.
Спасибо большое!))
Это был великолепный выезд! Эмоций масса! Путешествие, нырялки, компания, все было очень здорово. Буду раз поучаствовать в других поездках! Отдельная благодарность за лекции.